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IET Now Offers Florida Licensed Drilling and Remediation Services

April 1, 2016 – Innovative Environmental Technologies now offers Florida Licensed Environmental Drilling and Remediation Services – adding to our office network, bringing IET’s services from Florida to Massachusetts and west to the Mississippi. With six offices, strategically located, IET currently offers environmental solutions to 26 states.
Brendan Gerber
Office:  706-565-8635
Innovative Environmental Technologies

Innovative Environmental Technologies, Inc. (IET) is the oldest and most respected remedial contractor providing patented and licensed in-situ injection services in the United States. Formed in 1998, IET provides turn-key design and implementation services to environmental consulting companies. Since 1998, IET has designed and implemented over 1,000 in-situ remediation projects. IET is committed to providing the most appropriate and cost-effective technology based solutions for a wide variety of impacted soils and groundwater. IET's in-house and licensed technologies allow for the in-situ treatment of chlorinated solvents, petroleum hydro carbons, pesticides and heavy metals.