At IET, we tailor remedial designs for each site because we realize every site is different. There is no such thing as a calculator where you enter in an area and concentration and receive a solution. We take the time to review historical site data in order to understand the best approach to clean it up. Our experience includes but is not limited to the remediation of sites containing chlorinated ethanes and ethenes, petroleum hydrocarbons (BTEX), heavy metals and more.
Petroleum Hydrocarbon Remediation
IET delivers a two step oxidative approach for the remediation of petroleum hydrocarbon contamination. The initial oxidation step utilizes a modified Fenton’s chemistry to rapidly decrease LNAPL concentrations through the use of Hydroxyl and Sulfate free radical oxidation. The second portion of the remedial program promotes biological mineralization of residual petroleum compounds. The Fenton’s Reagent Oxidation Process is an innovative in-situ and/or ex-situ treatment technology for remediating soil and groundwater contaminated with organic compounds. Remediation occurs by injecting a strong chemical oxidizer, such as a reagent mixture consisting of hydrogen peroxide, sodium persulfate, and ferrous iron (a catalyst). The principal active component of the reaction is the hydroxyl free radical (OH), which is produced by catalytic chemical reaction between hydrogen peroxide and ferrous iron under an optimum pH condition. The hydroxyl free radical produced cleaves and oxidizes organic compounds non-selectively that result in forming successively smaller chained hydrocarbon compounds. The intermediate compounds formed are generally mono- and di-carboxyl acids, which are non-hazardous, naturally occurring substances easily oxidized to carbon dioxide and water (a complete mineralization) during subsequent sequential reactions. The cleaving of organic compounds does not and will not produce any volatile organic compounds that can be released to the atmosphere jeopardizing the environment quality.
Chlorinated VOC Remediation
The remediation of chlorinated ethenes and ethanes is possible through both abiotic and biotic pathways. Depending on the preexisting geochemical conditions, either an aerobic or anerobic design is created for the specific type of chlorinated contamination. Typically, IET utilizes a reductive approach that delivers a specific ZVI particle size in order to abiotically reduce chlorinated concentrations. Once the abiotic portion of the program is exhausted, a biological driven remediation process is promoted in order to continually degrade CVOC concentrations. Bacteria present in soil and groundwater utilize a variety of natural electron acceptors. The use of these final electron acceptors is dependent on their availability and energy transfer efficiency. IET promotes strong reducing conditions in the subsurface with our in-house product blends in order to utilize both ferric iron and sulfate reductive processes. The dechlorination of CVOC’s and daughter products is more effective at stronger reducing conditions where these reductive pathways are prominent.
Metals Remediation
Heavy metals contamination is a concern because of their ability to adversely affect human health. IET has experience and success designing remedial solutions for sites contaminated with heavy metals. Typical metals of concern include: Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd, Ni, Cr, and As.
Chlorobenzene Remediation
Chlorobenzene contamination can come from a variety of agricultural and chemical production sources. It is typically used as an intermediate in the manufacture of other organic chemicals, dyes and insecticides.
Coal Tar and Creosote
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are persistent organic compounds. These chemicals come from both natural and man-made sources. Man-made sources of PAHs in the environment include the incomplete burning of organic materials (e.g., coal, oil, gas, wood, garbage); vehicle exhaust; asphalt; coal-tar and coal-tar based sealcoats; creosote; and others. (CDC/ATSDR, 1995; CDC, 2009; EPA, 2009; National Research Council, 2009). Many PAHs are of concern because of their harmful impacts on humans and the environment. Sources of PAH’s vary and include manufactured gas plant operation, wood treating facilities. The persistent nature of PAH’s in the environment often lead to high costs associated with the physical removal and prolonged groundwater treatment necessary for complete remediation. IET specializes in the In-Situ Geochemical Stabilization (ISGS) of PAH impacts to offer a cost effective method of handling such impacts. Check out our latest webinar about ISGS to learn more about it!
Take a Closer Look
Cleveland Development Project

The remediation site is located in Cleveland, Ohio. The site contained soil and groundwater impacted by trichloroethene (TCE), cis-1,2-dichloroethene (cis-1,2-DCE), vinyl chloride, and hexavalent chromium. The in-situ injection program targeted these compounds through the use of compressed nitrogen and a solution of EHC-M, calcium propionate, and an oxygen scavenger. Read more…
A Solution for Every Problem
Innovative Environmental Technologies, Inc. is committed to the development and implementation of a wide variety of in-situ and ex-situ remedial alternatives. Utilizing a fleet of specially designed equipment, in-house and licensed patents coupled with extensive field experience, IET is able to offer our clients alternatives. Our experience lies in our ability to work with clients, property owners and state agencies, providing economical efficient and proven remediation technologies.
Although IET is not an environmental consulting company – we serve the consulting industry, providing the field experience and resources to implement projects utilizing innovative and emerging technologies. IET is the resource that enables you to provide to your clients technology and cost comparisons.
Few environmental contractors offer the variety of technologies and field skills IET provides. Field proven technology and equipment, operated by experienced field technicians, managed by professionals, provides economical and timely solutions.
Great People, Big Equipment
When we speak to new clients, they understand just what we do and how we do it. Here are the top five reasons people choose us:
- Experienced field technicians
- Proven technology equipment
- Managed by professionals
- Economical
- Timely solutions