Since its inception, IET has developed and patented in-house technologies where appropriate, licensed outside technologies when needed and worked with a variety of product vendors in its effort to offer its clients the best and most efficient remedial options. IET has designed, fabricated and built equipment, tooling, and remedial systems that integrate these technologies such that the consulting engineering companies we contract to are assured that they are providing their customers with appropriate and proven integrated remedial solutions.
Direct Push Injections
IET delivers patented injection techniques that are field proven and results driven. Our injection tooling is designed in-house and has been field tested by 15 years of injection experience. The benefits of a direct push treatment option include: no waste streams, flexible design and accelerated reduction of target compound concentrations. Direct push techniques can target a variety of formations and conditions including: sand, silt, clay, glacial till, high and low water tables, etc.
Permanent Well Injections
IET has the ability to inject into permanent wells that have previously been installed in order to streamline the implementation process of the remedial design. This includes the application of material into: well manifold systems, abandoned SVE systems, and open rock wells. We also have the ability to inject through single or straddle packer assemblies in order to isolate subsurface intervals for the introduction of remedial materials. In the case of injecting into a fractured rock formation, our pneumatic fracturing capabilities may be necessary. Pneumatic fracturing involves compressed gas injections with pressures ranging from 20 psi to 1000 psi in order to open existing fractures in the contaminated bedrock to introduce remedial materials. The advantage of pneumatic fracturing is it allows for the treatment of contaminants in a bedrock formation via permanent well injection that would normally not be accessible.
In-Situ Soil Mixing
Soil mixing can be used for the in-situ treatment of soils contaminated with volatile organic compounds (VOC’s). It offers an alternative to excavation and the high costs associated with the transport and disposal of soil classified as “hazardous waste”. This treatment method is typically applied to shallow contamination in both saturated and unsaturated zones. Read more about the process.
Take a Closer Look
Cleveland Development Project

The remediation site is located in Cleveland, Ohio. The site contained soil and groundwater impacted by trichloroethene (TCE), cis-1,2-dichloroethene (cis-1,2-DCE), vinyl chloride, and hexavalent chromium. The in-situ injection program targeted these compounds through the use of compressed nitrogen and a solution of EHC-M, calcium propionate, and an oxygen scavenger. Read more…
A Solution for Every Problem
Innovative Environmental Technologies, Inc. is committed to the development and implementation of a wide variety of in-situ and ex-situ remedial alternatives. Utilizing a fleet of specially designed equipment, in-house and licensed patents coupled with extensive field experience, IET is able to offer our clients alternatives. Our experience lies in our ability to work with clients, property owners and state agencies, providing economical efficient and proven remediation technologies.
Although IET is not an environmental consulting company – we serve the consulting industry, providing the field experience and resources to implement projects utilizing innovative and emerging technologies. IET is the resource that enables you to provide to your clients technology and cost comparisons.
Few environmental contractors offer the variety of technologies and field skills IET provides. Field proven technology and equipment, operated by experienced field technicians, managed by professionals, provides economical and timely solutions.
Great People, Big Equipment
When we speak to new clients, they understand just what we do and how we do it. Here are the top five reasons people choose us:
- Experienced field technicians
- Proven technology equipment
- Managed by professionals
- Economical
- Timely solutions