Cleaning up sites is always the primary goal for IET because we are driven by results, not by product sales. Our mentality is that every site is different and each should have a tailored design to achieve optimal results. We actively research and test new treatment methods in order to stay current with your remediation needs. This mentality has fueled our growth and success in the environmental contracting and consulting fields. Initial evaluation, environmental drilling, remedial designs, implementation and post project data evaluation are all services that IET regularly provides.
Injection Strategies
IET completes injection remedial activities via both direct push and permanent well application.
- Mixed In-Situ Applied Technologies
- Patented Reductive Dechlorination Technologies
- Enhanced Free Radical Oxidation Technology
- Familiarity with Permanganate Oxidation
- Heavy Metals Precipitation
- Immobilization Technologies (ISGS)
- Pneumatic Fracturing
- Aerobic Biological Mineralization
- Anaerobic Bacteria Injection
Drilling Services
Innovative Environmental Technologies, Inc. (IET) started a drilling services division in 2011 to address the environmental and geotechnical drilling needs of consultants in the region. Since 2011, IET has dramatically expanded our drilling capabilities and can now service your drilling needs from any one of our five regional offices. IET Drillers hold licenses is several states throughout the East Coast and Mid-west.
IET uses a variety of direct push, air rotary, steam cleaners, and vacuum equipment to address your specific needs. IET offers the following services:
- Hollow Stem Auger
- Direct Push
- Discrete Water Sampling
- Air Rotary Holes
- Permanent and Temporary Monitoring Well Points
- Well Pad Repairs
- Well Redevelopment
- Well Abandonment
- Clearing Utilities with VacMaster
- Low Profile Track Rig
- Limited Access Probe Work, can fit through a standard (32 inch) door with remote power unit
- Off Road Rigs
- Angled Drilling Soil Borings
- Steam Cleaning
Target Compounds
Contaminants that IET has extensive experience and success with include:
Petroleum Hydrocarbons
Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, Xylenes (BTEX)
Chlorinated Solvents
Chlorinated Ethanes, Chlorinated Ethenes and associated daughter products
Heavy Metals
Arsenic, Chromium, Cobalt, Copper, Lead, Nickel, Selenium, Zinc
Coal Combustion Residuals Remediation Contractor
Leading the way with innovative technologies to treat Coal Ash contaminates generated by electric utilities. Click Here to get up to date information regarding the CCR Rule.
Take a Closer Look
Cleveland Development Project

The remediation site is located in Cleveland, Ohio. The site contained soil and groundwater impacted by trichloroethene (TCE), cis-1,2-dichloroethene (cis-1,2-DCE), vinyl chloride, and hexavalent chromium. The in-situ injection program targeted these compounds through the use of compressed nitrogen and a solution of EHC-M, calcium propionate, and an oxygen scavenger. Read more…
A Solution for Every Problem
Innovative Environmental Technologies, Inc. is committed to the development and implementation of a wide variety of in-situ and ex-situ remedial alternatives. Utilizing a fleet of specially designed equipment, in-house and licensed patents coupled with extensive field experience, IET is able to offer our clients alternatives. Our experience lies in our ability to work with clients, property owners and state agencies, providing economical efficient and proven remediation technologies.
Although IET is not an environmental consulting company – we serve the consulting industry, providing the field experience and resources to implement projects utilizing innovative and emerging technologies. IET is the resource that enables you to provide to your clients technology and cost comparisons.
Few environmental contractors offer the variety of technologies and field skills IET provides. Field proven technology and equipment, operated by experienced field technicians, managed by professionals, provides economical and timely solutions.